Religious School
***SPECIAL NOTE*** During the Covid Crisis, all Hebrew School classes will be conducted online. Details have been sent to parents in emails. If anyone has any questions, please contact Rabbi Goldstein or President Allen Shane. Thank you and stay safe!

Temple Emanuel’s Religious School serves children from preschool through high school. We strive to prepare students for participation in Jewish life at home and at Temple, while offering a place where children can make friends and develop a strong Jewish identity.
The curriculum includes Jewish holidays and life-cycle rituals, history, Israel, Jewish ethics and Bible study. The children participate and learn how to conduct a Shabbat service. Learning through participation is key. We have many celebrations and activities such as a Chanukah party, Purim carnival, model Passover Seder, and more. Hebrew School begins when a child is in the third grade and continues through b’nai mitzvah. For further information please contact the Temple Office at 863-682-8616 or info@templeemanuellakeland.com.
In addition to Religious School, Temple Emanuel offers Adult Education classes including a Decoding Hebrew Class, Keeping a Kosher Kitchen, Preparing for Passover, and more! Rabbi and Temple Members are class leaders. Most classes are open to the public and of interest to all. Please join us! Call the Temple Office 863-682-8616 for more information or check our calendar for dates and times.